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The 2011th thesis award of the ObjektForum Karlsruhe, a cooperation of andrena objects and Technologiepark Karlsruhe, is awarded for outstanding diploma theses in the field of software engineering at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).
The prizes have been awarded during the 2012th Karlsruher Entwicklertag, an industrial conference on software engineering.
This year, Benjamin Klatt received the prize (1500 €) in the category “Foundations of the Discipline” for his work "Modelling and prediction of event-based communication in component-based architectures" supervised by Christoph Rathfelder and Samuel Kounev from the Descartes Research Group. In addition, Qais Noorshams received a certificate in recognition of his work “Focusing the optimization of software architecture models using non-functional requirements” supervised by Anne Koziolek.